Jay Mathis posted on May 08, 2009 12:03

Many players ask about sponsorships. The following is an Ektelon point of view, which might vary a bit with the other manufacturers. Here is what players should know about qualifications for sponsorship:
- Sportsmanship. This one should be self explanatory. However, just in case, issues like: No Breaking Equipment, Safe Play, No Threats, etc.
- What are you going to do to GROW Racquetball? This is huge! If we do not get more players, playing racquetball, no matter what age, what their gender, what their skill level, then we cannot feel that we are moving in the right direction.
- What will you do to promote the company (in this case: Ektelon). If you like the equipment enough to want to play with it and wear the name on your clothing, you better feel like sharing the good news with others.
- Are you teaching, running leagues, running tournaments, starting a racquetball club at your school, university, office, apartment complex, social organization, church, etc.
- What is your skill level, what do you do in tournaments, and how well do you do in your leagues. A common misunderstanding is that this is the most important issue. However, of all of these, this is the LEAST important, because this is not going to do much to grow racquetball. This is going to get people to notice you, but what are you going to do with that (which is what all of the other / above qualifications refer to).
Hopefully, this helps players understand sponsorship a bit. For more info, contact: Bryan Titus at: